Onto the second phase of our program after smashing the first one, and we say hello to BURN for the next 4 weeks. Which for us means absolute heaven because we now have healthy starches like sweet potato, pumpkin and chickpeas to enjoy and a tiny bit of fruit too.

Say hello to my 14 blueberries. That's what 25g gets you. 

For this stage, Alex is shaking things up a little. Instead of fixed daily meal plans, we got a matrix of different selections of individual meals for us to mix and match. We get to pick 1 breakfast, 3 meals (from the poultry, beef/lamb, pork, seafood and vegetarian sections) and 1 snack. Can I just say that even though the cooking time was lengthened so much compared to my first meal prep (inexperience with the new meals, coupled with being too ambitious and not wanting to combine any meal types), I am THRILLED beyond words!

Poised for CHOICE! *fistbumps self*

So breakfast was wholegrain overnight protein oats with bloobs. And then my first lunch was blackened salmon with zoodles (still not sick of them yet), peas and baby carrots in a mushroom tomato sauce.

My second lunch was much smaller in volume and while it doesn't look pretty, is probably my favorite meal in this combi. Say hi to my baby serving of paleo meatloaf, made with ground beef, loads of oregano and garlic, almond flour and tomato paste. 

Dinner was sous vide and flametorched catfish with curried cumin pumpkin mash. I don't care if it's not fall yet, but that delicious orange (but why does it look a gross brown here) orb is right up my alley even in springtime.

Alex gave us a choice of Quest and Orgain protein bars for our snack options, and even though I notoriously am NOT a fan of Quest, I went for them because the Orgain bars have almost 15g carb and only a measly 10g of protein in a serving. I've also heard a lot about Quest adopting a new recipe for their bars, which motivated me to give them another shot and put aside my longtime disdain for them because of their infamously disgusting gunky stick-to-your-teeth texture and grassy chocolate flavors. 

And I'm glad I did! Because after breaking one up into smaller chunks, and putting it in the oven for a quite 5-minute blitz, it actually tasted a little like a soft (protein) cookie! And to break them up, I didn't have to use a saw or try to pull it like taffy; it actually came apart really easily.

I bought 11 flavors (oh yeah, I never do things in halves) to try and once I figure out which ones rock my boat, I'll iHerb in bulk. But for now, my old nemesis Chocolate PB has proven pretty edible (I'd give it a 6.5/10, which for me and Quest, is huge) and I still have chocolate chip cookie dough, s'mores, oatmeal chocolate chip, mint chocolate chunk, PB supreme, strawberry cheesecake, banana nut muffin, chocolate brownie, mocha chocolate chip and rocky road to sample.

Aren't I a Quest connoisseur? Who'd have thunk?


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