I'm not sure where time went, but it sure has zoomed by from the day we started on January 29, 2018, until now, when we're just a mere TEN DAYS from the finish line. 

Despite time flying by, I'm not saying it's been easy. Heck no, it's more often than not felt like an arduous journey not unlike the time we had to do a farmer's carry of FOUR kettlebells in two hands, all while our dear trainer Martina yelled "Go heavy!" in the background. 

But it's been one helluva memorable ride, with ups and downs, shocks and knocks, and all in all, I feel like I really have come out quite a bit wiser than the clueless noob I was right at the beginning. 

I'm finally feeling like I'm able to make nutrition choices that are right for my body, armed with all this new knowledge I now have about macro and micronutrients, serving sizes, complementary workout programming, the effects of sugar and food quality, and how best to avoid overeating or binge episodes. That's not to say I didn't slip up — I sure did eat my emotions and dived straight back into the familiar binge bucket after my grandma's sudden passing — but I also learned there is nothing that you can't pick yourself up from to restart immediately.

I've learned that it's okay to prioritize myself first and I sure can do whatever I think is best for me, even in the most social of social situations. Birthday celebrations, book club nights (which lbr, were really a fancier name for cheese & sweets nights), brunches, visiting friends and family members... I didn't scoot away from them and I never avoided them or made myself hibernate during these three months; I just chose to be unapologetic about my nutrition plans and not pander to the social norms or teasing that did come with some of the company we had. 

A roast chicken and salad plate for book club, and excusing myself from the biscuits and fruit tart. Saying no to a cookie dough fudge brownie birthday cake I baked for the husband's birthday, and sticking to the steak and vegetables instead... You name it; I've done it. 

I still enjoyed all these moments with the people I love, and I have wonderful memories to take with me, but I didn't have to let food take control of me and wreck the goals I set for myself. 

Don't think the birthday boy looks unhappy - SCORE!

Conversely, training and working out have been infinitely easier to maintain consistency on, even though we traveled to Phnom Penh, Singapore and Ishigaki within the span of these three months. Getting a good sweat in has always been cathartic for me and working out is my favorite way to destress from this crazy tailspinning world (I know 98% of you will disagree, including the husband!). I love working out with my gymbae squad, who have also been the best support network a girl consuming too much chicken breast could hope for.

But it's not always a bed of roses, naturally. 6am workouts are immensely difficult to wake up for, especially when all I want to do is hit snooze on that 5.10am alarm. But crawl out of bed, we must, if that's the only time of the day we can afford the time to get our committed workouts in.
It's never glam at 5am.

So, with just ten days left on the program, I'm feeling a lot more equipped than I was before to re-enter a way less structured real world, where I no longer have to check in with my daily nutrition adherence levels or log my workouts and macros, where I don't have to take weekly progress pictures to track the progress of my hard work, and where I won't have Alex to talk me through nutrition strategies every time I buzz him. 

But I think I'm ready and I think I will be (more than) okay. So Imma power through this home stretch and then let the real world know I'm (more than) ready for it!


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